Cellphone Afterlife

2008-01-13 01:01PM PST/Home

Philip Aaronson

Great article in the NY Times, by Jon Mooallem, The Afterlife of Cellphones:

They [cellphones] also embody the kind of high-tech products that we will be throwing away more of: easier to upgrade than repair, increasingly disposable-seeming but also deeply personal.

It's funny seeing that today, because the kids and I took apart an old mobile phone just last night to extract the pager motor. That's the motor that causes your phone to vibrate when you get a call. They wanted to build a bristlebot to play with. We haven't finished it yet, we still need to find a good toothbrush with slanted bristles. When we finish it up, I'll post some pictures on flickr. But wow, were the kids into taking apart that old phone!