Sync Problems

2007-12-12 11:52AM PST/Home

Philip Aaronson

Still out of sync. I've had a morning. Woke up to a glorious morning sky, ran outside and took a few shots only to discover minutes later pretty much the same shot in my Flickr contacts feed.

Rode into work and as I'm about to roll into the Yahoo! parking lot a Honda Civic Hybrid passes me so close I could have pounded on the door. So I followed the car into the lot and had a little chat with the driver. I hate doing that but if I don't say something they'll just keep on passing cyclists with 6" of clearance and think that's just what you do.

Took a shower, pulled on the t-shirt I had brought with me and realized I had grabbed one of my wife's shirts by accident. Stuffed myself into a small before scoring a spare Hack Day shirt from a buddy who organizes the events.

It's just one of those days I guess. Can't quite get in the flow.