Travel Newbie

2007-10-09 10:28AM PDT/Home

Philip Aaronson

Note to self: rig room for silent running before falling asleep.

Ah travel. I spent the night tossing and turning in my hotel room because of all the damn car alarms. My room is on the second floor of this here hotel, and all night long it felt like it might as well have been the ground floor. Turns out the window in the bathroom, the one in the shower, the one behind the shower curtain, the one I didn't notice was open all night. Who puts a window in the shower? And I had left the door open to the bathroom for an uninterrupted path to my eardrums. Call me moron.

When I went in to take a shower in the morning, and pulled aside the shower curtain I just stared at that damn open window for a while. Evil. Just Evil. In a funny way. I just had to laugh at myself.