Smell the Desperation?

2007-07-03 08:05AM PDT/Home

Philip Aaronson

Can you smell the desperation? A study sponsored by NBC attempts to show that fast forwarding through commercials still has an impact. And by extension, all those DVR viewers should be counted in their audience size.

In fast forward, a 30 second spot gets compressed to all of 1.5 seconds, with no audio. Sounds like an online banner ad, doesn't it? I'm afraid NBC is in for a rude shock when they find out the going rates on that kind of advertisement.

NY Times, Engaging at Any Speed? Commercials Put to Test:

When it comes to fast-forward advertisements, “the assumption has always been that they have no economic value, that they have no communication value,” said Alan Wurtzel, president for research at NBC Universal. “But the fact of the matter is we’re learning that they are valuable.”