iPhone Manna

2007-06-08 08:07AM PDT/Home

Philip Aaronson

Cheating After seeing the post about the iPhone Sales Training Manual, and not really caring enough to get an account to view the pictures. My wife and I were joking about what the contents should be: NO DISCOUNTS. NO BARGAINING. NO NOTHING.

It's a good time to be in AT&T retail. If the sales folks are making 5% commission, that's just a guess, but 5% on a $500 item is $25. And for the first couple months it's going to be the easiest $25 they've ever made. They'll just be ringing up whatever they've got any stock. Seriously, it's like manna falling from the sky.

[Update 9-Jun-2007] A nice synopsis of the sales manual and scans are available at macrumors.com's iPhone Details from AT&T's Sales Training Workbook. The biggest mystery to me, why no iChat?